
In cooperation with you, we automate your assembly process. We listen to you, contribute our experience and figure out an optimal, cost-effective solution for your individual requirements.
Our scope of services ranges from simple manual workstations to fully automatic assembly systems. Process reliability, quality and customer satisfaction are our top priorities.

If an inquiry exceeds our capabilities, we are sure to be able to help you thanks to a partnership with BBS Automation.

Haben Sie Fragen? Rufen Sie uns an oder senden Sie uns eine Mail - wir beraten Sie gerne!

Do you have any questions? Give us a call or send us an E-mail - we will be happy to advise you!

WKM Maschinenbau GmbH  /  Oberes Ried 15  /  6833 Klaus - Vorarlberg  /  Österreich
Tel. +43 5523 54907  /  Fax +43 5523 54907-50  /